Why and How we see someone in dream


Many times a dream is a way to realize our subconscious thoughts. Dreams are interesting, depressive, funny, fictional, scary, inspiring, informative and also seldom a significant response to our latent oblivious questions. It attempts gives us vague solution to problems and sometimes make us realize where our complacent behavior about a situation will lead us. These narrative about dreams are not uncommon and the discourse can be endless.

I want to take the opportunity to anatomize the subject matter and throw some light on the casting of erratic dreams. The dreams which we are disposable and non-periodical

Consider the analogy of any movie or play, the story needs to be depicted by suitable characters who personify the author’s tale. Similarly our mind indiscriminately selects a known individual and then cast it in the tale it want to show you. Invariably it has no relation with the tale, its just a random selection of known whosoever in our mind without any materialistic audition.

So if you see a dream that you are with your school best friend’s spouse traveling in a train and unable to find a bathroom has nothing to do with that spouse, it is just random casting done by brain to illustrate that your are with someone in that train. Or may be you are with few members of your family in a sailing boat, again its just random casting done by your brain to personify the tale it wants to tell you. And as mentioned earlier the tale has nothing to do with the selection of characters, its purely arbitrary.

